Reaching, Discipling, Serving

Our Nursery 0-3yrs old
We know that you have a busy week as parents and trying to focus at church is hard to do when you have little ones. That's why we provide a loving, caring and safe environment with a well trained and professional staff to care for your little one. They will play and sing bible songs because before they grow up and move to our Kings Kids group, we want every child to know God made them, God loves them and Jesus wants to be their forever friend.

Kings Kid's 4 -11yrs old
Meet each Sunday during the Worship Service. Here children are taught the basic stories of the Bible at a level they can understand in an active fun environment. They also are encouraged to participate in the B.G.M.C. Boys and Girls Missionary Challenge that donates thousands of dollars each year to help meet critical needs around the world such as feeding programs, water wells, Bible schools, curriculum, and whatever else a missionary needs in their part of the world.

Women's Ministry
Joy Fellowship is what we call our Women's Ministries group. We meet the 2nd Monday of every month @ LWC We serve snacks and have a fellowship time, we also have a bible study. Various times throughout the year we go on retreats or just a girls night out for dinner and/or shopping. Whatever we do we try to have a fun time to just relax while growing together in our walk with the Lord. We are also mission-focused, we sell RADA Cutlery as well as have various bake sales and other fundraisers throughout the year and all funds go to support Missions
Volunteer Groups
LWC is a church that is full of volunteers, we believe that on this journey of discovering the claims of Christ we should all Seek, Serve and Share. We just believe that love shows up! That is why 90% of LWC volunteers and serves in one form or another from:
Serving meals at local Circles Program
Community Trunk and Treat annual event
Serving at our annual Christmas in July Fair.
Teaching in a small group
Supporting Foreign and Home Missions
Caring for the children in the church
Taking a meal to a sick friend
Donating and or volunteering at the local food pantry
Serving and Sharing our online ministry reaching the world.
No, we don't believe doing good deeds will get us to heaven, but we do believe serving is a bi-product that happens when we realize just how good God has been to us. You just can't help but want to share His love.

Small Groups

We have small groups for adults that meet to help you grow in your spiritual walk. We are all at a different place on this road we are walking, as we study the claims of Christ. This is why coming together in small groups is helpful as we do life together helping each other along the way. If you are looking to grow in your understanding of God's word these groups are a wonderful complement to our Sunday morning services.
Groups meet on:
Sunday mornings @10am
Wednesday evenings 7pm
No need to sign up just come and enjoy!
Childcare provided upon request.